When we start learning a foreign language, we think of the most effective ways to assimilate new knowledge. Of course, each person is unique and has their own pace of learning, but together we will find some ways in which learning a foreign language can become easier than it first seems.
Culture, a country’s traditions or simply the need to express yourself fluently are decisive when you start learning a foreign language. Add to this your native inclination and the environment you live in.
The assimilation process also depends very much on the language group you belong to. Romanians are able to understand a speaker of French or Italian because the grammatical structure and vocabulary of both languages are of Latin origin. On the other hand, German, Greek or Turkish have a completely different sentence structure, with far fewer words to relate to. Another important influencing factor is when we decide to enrich our knowledge. From the age of 3 onwards, the ability to learn information develops, and as we get older, competence diminishes. “The more aware you become of the act of learning, the harder it becomes to digest information,” says Rodica Mihăilă. An effective study method can relate to the area where we live. For example, some people in Transylvania understand and speak Hungarian more easily because they are surrounded by native speakers.
Over time, several methods of language learning have been identified. One of the most recent is suggestopedia. According to its inventor, Georgy Lozanov, we can learn 3,000 words in 24 hours. His research is based on the study of breathing, concentration, suggestion and autosuggestion techniques. But there are many other, less revolutionary methods of study:
⏺ The translation method. Its main aims are the study of grammar, vocabulary and literature, with an emphasis on conscious and deductive learning.
⏹The audio-lingual method. The techniques used are dialogue, role-play, repetition and exercise so that the student uses the language in an automatic, communicative way.
⏹ Direct method. The inventor of the method, Charles Berlitz, suggests the meaning of words through pictures, pantomime and conversation, translation is not allowed.
⏹ The method of silence. Students are encouraged to self-correct and interact, the teacher is silent, suggesting mistakes.
⏹Language learning in the community. The teacher acts as a language advisor, with an emphasis on communication.
⏹The total physical response method. In the initial stage the teacher speaks and the students respond non-verbally, then the roles change.
“Language inclination is related to talent. It’s like in painting or any other branch of art. Those who have talent learn more easily.” Rodica Mihăilă professor at the University of Bucharest
🔘Tricks for fast learning
☑If you can, go to the country whose language you want to learn. First of all, you’ll get used to the accent of the native speakers quite quickly and you’ll have the opportunity to understand their culture and admire their architecture.
☑ It’s very important to learn from an experienced teacher who will take you through all the stages of study.
☑ Learn gradually. It is best to practise a little each day because the information will sink in much faster.
☑It’s best to listen to as many tapes as possible in the language you want to learn. You can do this while riding the subway, running or cooking, so you become very productive.
☑ Read as many newspapers and magazines as possible to help you improve your translation skills.
☑Watch foreign TV channels or films and see how well you can follow the dialogue and how much you understand.
☑ Try to think in the language. Look at objects around you and name them or label them with the translation. Talk as much as possible using everyday situations.
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